Everything You Need To Know About Porcelain Veneers

Everything You Need To Know About Porcelain Veneers

Unlike dental crowns, porcelain veneers are thin shells made of porcelain material these are attached only to the front part of the tooth. Veneers or half-crowns are usually done on the anterior teeth. Procedure A small amount of tooth enamel superficial layer of...
How Sugary Drinks Affect And Damage Your Teeth

How Sugary Drinks Affect And Damage Your Teeth

It is usually said we are what we eat, and how true that is. Your body is truly a reflection of what you put inside it. Read below to get an example. We all know by now how bad sugar is for our overall health and one of the reasons is it causes tooth decay. According...
Explaining Root Canal Treatment

Explaining Root Canal Treatment

What is root canal treatment? Root canal Treatment (RCT) is a conservative procedure where a badly carious or fractured or dead tooth needs to be treated by removing the soft part (pulp), which lies in the core of the tooth’s crown and its root/roots. This procedure...
When Should Your Child First Visit The Dentist?

When Should Your Child First Visit The Dentist?

Dentists worldwide recommend that a child must go to the dentist by age one or within six months after the first tooth erupts. Primary teeth typically begin growing in the mouth around six months of age. Importance of primary teeth It is very important to keep primary...

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