My Teeth Are Yellow And Discoloured
Have you ever seen a picture of Julia Roberts smile? Dentists all around the world call in the most in harmony, natural, beautiful, million-dollar smile. A smile that pleases the eyes.
Flashing your pearly whites simply means the same a smile as white as pearls. With proper care, you can have a pearly white smile too. Read below to find out what precautions and care you need to take to have that dream smile.
Brush Twice In A Day
Brushing should be done two times a day, in the morning and at night before retiring to bed. Of the four human reservoirs, the mouth is the most diverse with over 700 micro-organisms of different phenotypes or sub-strains co-existing in harmony, although surrounded by a stressful environment of changing pH, oxygen tension, and nutrients. It is essential to take good oral care with the easiest tool available, that is the brush.
Floss The Moss
Toothbrushes, even after being used correctly, remove only 50% of the total plaque formed. The plaque that forms between the teeth and along the gum line is not accessible to the toothbrush and thus remains untouched. To clean these areas, we need to floss. But flossing should be done gently, by sliding the floss along the sides of the teeth without injuring the gums.
Clean Your Tongue
More than 60% of bacteria in the oral cavity are found on the tongue, forming a dangerous reservoir for bacterial diseases at the teeth and gums as well as the root cause for halitosis (i.e. bad breath). So, cleansing your tongue is the most important part of total oral care.
Eat A Balanced Diet
A balanced diet must include fresh fruits and vegetables rather than relying on canned juices and other short cuts for instant energy. Chewing on the raw fruits and vegetables like apple, carrot, and oranges not only provides nutrition but also increases salivation that in turn, ensures a self-cleansing process.
Don’t Smoke Or Use Tobacco
Smoking and chewing tobacco not only causes staining of your pearly whites but also a reason for oral cancer.
Limit Your Tea And Coffee Intake
Caffeine in tea and coffee causes staining of your teeth. One must also avoid food with colour. Limit the frequency of its intake and swish your mouth with warm water after you eat or drink teeth-staining items.
Brighten Your Teeth With ProSmiles
Consider the advantages of a simple teeth whitening treatment. For more noticeable results, we recommend that you book your scale and clean before proceeding with your teeth whitening treatment. We will assess, clean, and remove any stains while ensuring your teeth are free of decay before carrying out your teeth whitening procedure.
We are committed to offering our patients only premium quality whitening products. These products are market leading and have been used successfully on millions of patients worldwide, delivering results up to 8 shades lighter.
While cheaper teeth whitening treatments may cost less, they may adversely affect your teeth and gums. However, our teeth whitening treatments of choice protect teeth enamel and enhance your overall oral hygiene.
Smile brightly!
You can and should set an appointment with the dentist a fortnight or so before. Teeth whitening doesn’t take a very long time and is also quite inexpensive. Usually, plaque deposits tend to form near the gums, at the base of the crown.
This can weaken the gums and can also cause serious sensitivity issues in your teeth. When you first go to the dentist, they will use a scaling tool to remove those plaque deposits from your teeth.
Afterwards, a chemical solution will be applied to your teeth to remove the yellowish tinge that forms on the teeth. You might feel a bit of sensitivity at first, but it won’t be long before it goes away.
Simple Teeth Whitening Solution
Having white teeth is no longer an unsolvable problem! ProSmiles is a leading dental clinic that offers affordable teeth whitening and other cosmetic dentistry solutions throughout the city.
Using only the latest technological enhancements, we will make sure that your teeth are shining brightly, so you won’t have to shy away from smiling.