Diet High In Fat Leads To Sleep Apnea

Diet High In Fat Leads To Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition in which there is a temporary cessation of breath during sleep. It is a condition seen in millions of people around the globe, most of whom are overweight. The reason being that they felt tired during the day they are drawn towards a...
Are You Brushing Your Teeth Properly?

Are You Brushing Your Teeth Properly?

We often have this question of what is the best way to brush our teeth so that we don’t miss out on crucial areas and don’t need to go through the painful dental treatments that can make us anxious. ProSmiles are a family dentist based in Camberwell who can help you...
Everything You Need To Know About Porcelain Veneers

Everything You Need To Know About Porcelain Veneers

Unlike dental crowns, porcelain veneers are thin shells made of porcelain material these are attached only to the front part of the tooth. Veneers or half-crowns are usually done on the anterior teeth. Procedure A small amount of tooth enamel superficial layer of...

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