What Are All-On-4 Implants?

What Are All-On-4 Implants?

all-on-4 dental implants refer to the replacement of all the teeth in one arch by four implants. Replacement of either the upper or lower arch is possible with the All-on-4 system. This is a newer concept where only four implants are used to support the entire...
Explaining Root Canal Treatment

Explaining Root Canal Treatment

What is root canal treatment? Root canal Treatment (RCT) is a conservative procedure where a badly carious or fractured or dead tooth needs to be treated by removing the soft part (pulp), which lies in the core of the tooth’s crown and its root/roots. This procedure...
Teeth Straightening for Children with Myobrace

Teeth Straightening for Children with Myobrace

  Many children naturally have crooked teeth and jaws that have developed incorrectly, which thankfully can be diagnosed by your dentist as early as four years old. Myobrace, the no-brace teeth alignment solution for children can be started as early as six to...
Restore your Smile with All-On-4

Restore your Smile with All-On-4

Smiling is an outward expression of who we are. Wrapped up in a single smile is equal measurements of confidence, esteem, and personality. Because of this, knowing that your teeth are in optimal condition is paramount in allowing yourself to be the best version of...
Replace Multiple Missing Teeth with Implant Dentistry

Replace Multiple Missing Teeth with Implant Dentistry

  Missing Teeth and Implant Dentistry Upgrade your smile or replace missing teeth with our advanced dental implant treatments. Whether you are missing teeth due to sports, injury or dental health issues, dental implants can help you achieve self-confidence and...
Dental Makeovers

Dental Makeovers

Have you noticed that your smile needs a polish and repair? There are many ways to update your teeth that will make a big difference to your smile. Some may require small surgery, while others can be done via trays and fittings. Finding the right smile update for you...

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